Thursday, May 26, 2016

"Aw, shucks. That ain't nothin' but a little ole cricket bug!"

Ever since we found out we were pregnant, my husband and I have been referring to our daughter as "Cricket Bug." And my husband feels a little weird about it -- at least when we call her "Cricket Bug" in front of other people -- because he knows it has a weird, random origin. (To which I say, "don't most nicknames?".)

It's an odd nickname, for sure. (Although, in the beginning, when we didn't know whether we were having a boy or a girl, it was a nice, generic, gender-neutral nickname.) But -- surprise, surprise -- there's a Disney connection:

Last fall, before the semester officially started, we watched a few older Disney movies on Netflix -- especially ones my husband hadn't seen in a while.

The Aristocats was one of them. I loved this movie as a kid -- and I have very vivid memories of picking out a stuffed Duchess at the Disney Store mall in Connecticut. (Marie, of course, is very popular these days -- she's something of a transitional character for little girls who are too "old" for Minnie Mouse and too "young" for princesses. Savvy marketing, Disney.) 

Anyway--we both found the fact that, in the middle of the French countryside (or the suburbs outside of Paris? Not entirely sure on the geography here...), there are two super Southern dogs. And the line in the video above -- "aw shucks -- that ain't nothin' but a little ole cricket bug!" -- just struck us as really funny and we would bust out the quote in random situations and laugh about it.

Fast forward a few weeks to when we found out we were pregnant: it was fairly early on -- it may even have been the night I told my husband -- but I was expressing some anxiety and fear about being pregnant and becoming a mom. My husband, trying to make me smile, said to me: "There's nothing to worry about -- it ain't nothin' but a little ole cricket bug." 

And the nickname has stuck ever since. 
(Turns out, it's an appropriate nickname too -- when she's calm and happy and content, she makes these little squeaking, chirping noises. My mom calls her a little mouse; we think she sounds like a little ole cricket bug.) 

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