Thursday, February 22, 2018

About Fergie & That National Anthem...

So, Fergie did a thing. You probably heard about it. It made headlines.

Not being an NBA fan, I didn't watch it live. Or even the first few times the story popped up in my social media feeds. But then I caved and watched it. And...TBH, I was expecting worse. Now, maybe it was truly terrible and I'm just so tone-deaf I can't tell. (I don't think so, because I am REAL picky about my Ariels and Elphabas -- I've seen Wicked like 20 times, and god forbid an Elphaba doesn't nail that mix of power and vulnerability or hit the notes in "The Wizard and I" -- she loses me.)

Anyway. Long story short: I was expecting worse. It was...different, for sure, but not cringe-worthy.

But when I saw this? I LOLed. Maybe it's because I watched this scene three different times in class this week, but I appreciated the humor.

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