Thursday, February 22, 2018

Disney + Winter Olympics

Confession: I love the Olympics. Like, a lot.

Obviously, I love the Summer Olympics more, since it's the only time my sport gets coverage, in large part due to Michael Phelps, but still. This is basically me:

via Buzzfeed

But when it comes to the Winter Olympics, I am a Figure Skating Junkie. When I was little, and unaware of my own clumsiness, I wanted to be a figure skater -- I idolized Kristi Yamaguchi; I remember the media coverage of the Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding scandal (even though I didn't fully understand it); and I checked out all the biographies of figure skaters that the Cary library had when we first moved to North Carolina. (I guess I thought moving to the South would be good for a figure skating career? IDK.)

And...yes. I am totally invested in 2018 Figure Skating. I was Team USA for the team competition; Team Adam Rippon for Men's (he is fabulous and I want to be friends with him); Team Shib Sibs for Ice Dancing; and Team Mirai Nagasu for Ladies. (Which is what I'm currently watching...and probably staying up way too late for.)

Regardless. I just enjoyed watching Bradie Tennell skate because her music was selections from Patrick Doyle's score of the 2015 live-action Cinderella. The US ladies are not having a great night, but damn is Doyle's music not beautiful. The video below isn't from the Olympics, but it's the same program:

And, then of course, Twitter didn't disappoint with the commentary:

^^^Same girl. I thought the exact same thing. Who uses "provincial" and doesn't mean to allude to Beauty and the Beast?!

FWIW, I didn't hate it either.

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