Thursday, September 1, 2016

New Sneak Peek of Beauty and the Beast!

This video started circulating on social media yesterday -- basically, a teaser trailer for a "Sneak Peek" at the live action Beauty and the Beast that's on the special 25th Anniversary Platinum Edition. (Which is the fancy Disney marketing way of getting/trying to get you to buy a DVD you probably already own.)

The clip is, obviously, a teaser for the full video, but you still get a glimpse of Emma Waston as Belle at a table read -- and also Dan Stevens' Beast (complete with grumbly, growly voice!). The scene is, I think, Belle and Beast in the library, poring over a book -- and seems to come from the Broadway musical rather than the film. (In the musical, during "Something There," Belle finds the book and tries to get Beast to read it, at which point he confesses that he can't read, and they begin to bond/fall in love over the book/reading lessons.)

All that to say: if they're deviating, however slightly, from the animated film, I hope that they correct some of the not-so-great aspects of the film. Like, I hope the Beast is maybe emo and not bordering-on-abusive angry. *fingerscrossed*

Also--Disney, I see how you're purposefully withholding images of Emma Watson as Belle since you know that's what we want.

I hope there's a trailer with Moana. Like, a real, full-length trailer.

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