Friday, September 29, 2017

Hocus Pocus Remake -- *sob*

I've said this before, but Fall is my favorite season. (I really think it's because I grew up in New York, in the Hudson Valley, where we have *actual* Fall, with cool temperatures, stunning foliage, and apples and pumpkins galore.) And while I'm not a huge fan of Halloween -- my dad hated the holiday and I prefer Thanksgiving -- October mainly means one thing: a socially acceptable time to watch Hocus Pocus.

If you haven't seen Hocus Pocus, stop reading, go to your DVR and set this up to record. Because you're missing out. I could go into all the reasons why it's awesome, but the fact that it's one of Bette Midler's favorite films is really all you need to know. And, if you still need convincing, it was directed by Kenny Ortega, who also did High School Musical know. 

So, when I heard that they were making a sequel, I was ecstatic.

Which....NO. Just no. 

One, the original film is a cult classic, SO WHY REMAKE IT? 
Two, part of what makes the original so great is it's glorious '90s vibe -- something that you just can't replicate now. *coughJumanjicough*
Three, if it's going to air on Disney Channel -- and that's nothing against Disney Channel movies; I love them -- that pretty much shows how high on the priority list it is for Disney. In other words, it's probably just a shameless money grab. 

I love you Disney, but when you pull stunts like this, it gets really hard to defend you. 

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